The Well-Being of Nations: Estimating Welfare from International Migration
By Gita Smith
Using gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of a country’s welfare has its limitations. So how, then, are we to measure a nation’s well-being?
Language, Internet and Platform Competition
By Gita Smith
Although growing online globalization has increased the presence of other languages on the internet, English remains dominant – used by 59.4 percent of all the websites whose content language is known.
Karen Yan
Karen Yan joined the School of Economics in 2019. Her research focuses on econometrics and industrial organization, and she teaches Econometrics I and Econometric Analysis.
1. Who or what inspired you to pursue economics?
While I was a math major in college, I audited some economics classes out of curiosity. I was fascinated to learn how mathematical models could be applied to real-world problems. After talking to a professor in the economics department, I decided to choose economics as my graduate school field.
The Complex Relationship Between Income and Smoking
By Gita Smith
Economists have long studied how personal income and relative deprivation affect social outcomes such as education, bullying/victimization, and health.