Shehryar Rashid
1. What do you do?
I am currently working as a Field Coordinator for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and I am based in South Sudan. IOM is a part of the United Nations system.
In my current role, I am leading a team in three counties in South Sudan to support the establishment, construction, and promotion of sustainable community infrastructure and services. Specifically, I am responsible for working with local communities in implementing a community-based development project.
Jacob Aguirre
Name: Jacob Aguirre
Year: Third-year (by credit hours)
Program: Double major in Economics and Mathematics
Hometown: Woodstock, GA
Favorite class: MATH 2106 Intro to proofs (favorite econ course is ECON 4803: Behavioral Economics)
Favorite professor: Dr. Dench
Christine Ries
Christine Ries joined the faculty at the School of Economics in 1999. Throughout her time here, Professor Ries has taught a wide variety of courses, including The Global Economy, The Economics of Corporate Strategy, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Global Financial Economics, and the School of Economics Capstone Course. Her work focuses on global corporate financial management, economic development, and tax policy.
An Easier Way to Estimate Conditional Quantile Functions
By: Aselia Urmanbetova
In a joint paper recently accepted by Econometric Theory, Assistant Professor Karen Yan and co-authors Zheng Fang and Qi Li consider nonparametric estimation of a conditional quantile function.
Alex Henke
1. What do you do?
I am Head of Commercial Operations at Speakap. This means that I design and implement business processes and systems that directly impact our revenue growth.
2. What’s the coolest part of your job?
The variety! One day I might be designing a process to improve the way that we turn customer feedback into action; the next, I might be working on an updated revenue forecast for the year based on sales and marketing data.
One Step Closer Towards Reliable Causal Inference
By: Aselia Urmanbetova
Rupkatha Banerjee
Name: Rupkatha Banerjee
Year: 4th year
Major/minor: B.S. Economics, B.S. Mathematics
Hometown: Johns Creek, GA
Favorite class: Game Theory or Strategy of Information
Favorite professor: Dr. Shemyakina, Dr. Burkett
One More Step Towards Overcoming the Shortcomings in the Models with Ordered Categorical Data
By: Aselia Urmanbetova
In joint research with Jeffrey Racine and Qi Li (research paper published by the Journal of Nonparametric Statistics), Assistant Professor Karen Yan considers nonparametric estimation of smoothed probability mass functions for ordered categorical data.