Minor in Economics

image of the Atlanta skyline The beauty of the general economics minor program is in its flexibility!

If you would like to focus on a given discipline in economics, you can easily do that. The courses we offer can help you specialize in sub-disciplines like Development Economics, Environmental and Energy Economics, Capital Market and Financing, International/Trade, Health Economics, and the list goes on.

The economics minor provides exposure to the fundamental economic way of thinking and approaching a multitude of complex problems. The field of economics is highly interdisciplinary, making our minor program an excellent critical and analytical supplement to a variety of existing majors. The courses included in the minor allow students to diversify their analytical skill sets with practice in computation and data analysis, fundamental economic theory, and empirical methods. The economics minor provides excellent concrete data science skills directly applicable to pursuing careers in multiple sectors.

View the minor in economics requirements in the Georgia Tech Course Catalog.(link is external)

Graduate Course Option 

Georgia Tech minors can invoke the Graduate Course Option(link is external) to work on a Master’s in Economics and double count courses towards both an undergraduate minor and graduate work. The graduate course option allows you to take up to 2 MS Economics courses as an undergraduate and finish the MS degree in the 2 semesters after graduation. 

In your last semester, you can officially apply to the MS in Economics program with the benefit of being one of our existing students, earning your application a high priority in the admissions process. Existing Tech students do not need to submit GRE scores or Letters of Recommendation.

Students accepted into the program can then use the 2 MS courses they took as undergraduates and apply them towards their Master’s work, leaving only 8 classes left to complete the program and earn a Master’s in Economics.

The  MS in Economics is quantitative in nature and focuses on developing analytical skills. Students take a minimum of 6 hours of advanced statistical methods- Econometrics, as well as Calculus-based Microeconomic theory and Macroeconomic theory. Other elective courses offer practical business skills in cost-benefit analysis, forecasting, machine learning, and transfer pricing. Twenty percent of the program is completely flexible allowing students to enhance their skills in an adjacent discipline or even begin work on a second master’s, double counting(link is external) credit between programs.

If you are interested in pursuing a MS in Economics, you can reach out to our academic advisor, Davis (davisp@gatech.edu(link sends email)), or Director of the MS program, Whitney Buser (wbuser3@gatech.edu). 


Declare your minor in economics by following the steps below.

  1. Register for the ECON courses you want!​
  2. Fill out the DocuSign Add a Minor Form,(link is external) it will be automatically sent to your major and minor advisors. Once both minor and major advisors sign the form, the DocuSign form will be automatically submitted to the Registrar's Office.​
    • In the form, make sure to check "Add Minor" and if it is your first minor, in "Primary Minor" include the name of the minor (ECON). For the "Catalog Year" include the current year. Make sure to include the emails for both Major and Minor advisors.
  3. Subscribe to the ECON Minors(link sends email) email list to stay in touch with our awesome ECON Community.​
  4. At the start of your last semester, fill out the last form for Approved Program of Study and submit it to Davis Palubeski (dpalubeski3@gatech.edu) and your major advisor for signatures. The signed form must be submitted to the registrar along with your application to graduate.​

Have questions?

Contact Davis Palubeski at davisp@gatech.edu.