Nicholas Pinto

What Georgia Tech and the School of Economics Taught Me:

It taught me how to interpret numbers and data in a way that makes sense. There can be conflicting research in the area of education, but from my economics background, I can analyze the methods researchers used to obtain their results. It helps me make informed decisions about my future practice.

Interests and Hobbies

I enjoy being outdoors to do things like hiking, rafting, and (since March) playing Pokemon Go. My main hobby is caving, where I explore the underground by climbing, rappelling, squeezing, and much more!

Future Endeavors 

As part of the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship, I am currently completing a one-year Masters of Education program at West Chester University that includes 8 months of observation and student teaching. After this, I will be teaching Math at a high-needs secondary school in Philadelphia for at least three years.

Advice for Current Students

Don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy when it comes to your education! Don’t think that you have to make up your mind about what you want to do for the rest of your life as a first-year. It’s okay to switch your major (multiple times if you are like me), especially if it is to something that you are more passionate about. The credits that you’ll waste are nothing compared to what you’ll gain from making a career out of something you’ll actually enjoy!

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Profile Type
B.S. Economics, B.S. Mathematics, 2019
Job Title / Employer
Pursuing an M.S. in Education at West Chester University