Anik Khan is a member of the Board of Advisors for the School of Economics.
1. What do you do?
As CEO of a startup, my day-to-day varies a lot. One day, I'll work on strategy; another, I'll work closely with the engineering team to develop new features; and another, I'll work with another company to establish a potential partnership.
2. What's the coolest part of your job?
I enjoy building new things. As CEO, not only do I get to build product, but also the company culture.
3. Why are you passionate about it?
I love sparking joy in people. It's a great feeling when you've done something or built something that excites someone else.
4. Which skills from your IAC degree have helped you be successful in this career?
Economics has given me many frameworks for evaluating business decisions and the macroenvironment. For example, when interest rates go up, I understand how it could affect my business.
5. What's your #1 tip for students and alumni interested in your field?
Get involved with entrepreneurship and startups as early as possible. Georgia Tech has many programs to foster entrepreneurship. Check out Create-X, Georgia Tech Venture Lab, and ATDC.
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