Welcome Alumni!
We are glad that you are visiting. When a student enters a program in the School of Economics, they launch a rich, multifaceted, and enduring relationship with the entire School of Economics community. Coursework is simply the first link in a connection that evolves with the life of every graduate.
We hope you can take a few minutes to catch up on the news of the School and learn about our upcoming events.
We also hope that you stay in touch. We are interested in learning more about our alumni, so we welcome you to submit suggestions for stories, as well as brief announcements about professional and personal achievements. If you have recently moved or taken a new job, please let us know through our Alumni Submission Form. We use this information to mail you invitations to our events and keep you updated about the happenings in the SOE. We may also occasionally use your career information to help us market events to our students and show them how anything is possible with a degree in Economics.
We hope you stop in often—virtually through this website, and in person at the Old CE Building.