Clubs and Honor Societies

Final Logo for Econ Club at GT


The Economics Club at Georgia Tech provides an active forum for the discussion of ideas related to economics and society outside of the classroom. Students of all majors at all levels at Georgia Institute of Technology are invited to be a member of this academic, social, and philanthropic organization – an interest in economics is all that is required!

Join and Stay Connected!




Omicron Delta Epsilon is an International Economics Honor Society accredited by the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS). The GT Chapter of ODE aims to provide students who want to pursue a graduate education or career in academia with research skills in the field of Economics and other related disciplines. To achieve this, members of the chapter will be exposed to three broad categories: projects, people, and perspectives (click here to learn more about GT ODE Mission).

If you are interested in learning more about research at the School of Economics while completing your degree, please connect with our ODE members. Even if it is too early for you to induct as an ODE member, we can tell you about current research projects at the SOE and how you can contribute.

Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE)

Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are:

  • to recognize scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics;
  • to establish closer ties between students and faculty in economics within and among colleges and universities;
  • to promote its official journal, The American Economist; and
  • to sponsor panels at professional meetings such as the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig competitions.

Currently, the chapter at Georgia Tech has over 300 members, with 20-25  new members inducted annually. The school supports all PhD student applications, the first 8 UG and  4 MS student applications (per year) on the first-come-first-serve basis.


ODE members who are B.S. students majoring in ECON, EIA  or GEML are eligible to apply for $1,000 in scholarship if you join two semesters prior to graduation or $500 scholarship if you join one semester prior to graduation, and if you are an active member of the GT Econ Club. The School covers the ODE lifetime membership fee ($40) for up to 12 students (B.S in ECON, EIA, or GEML and M.S. or Ph.D. in ECON) who apply at least one semester prior to graduation.

ODE Eligibility

UNDERGRADUATE juniors or seniors or GRADUATE students of ANY major who:

  • Meet eligibility requirements for extracurricular activities as stated in the Georgia Tech Catalog and SGA policies
  • Have completed 12 hours of Economics coursework at Georgia Tech and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • SOE supports ODE application for all ECON Ph.D. students

To Join

Please submit your Application Form electronically by Sept. 30 for Fall admission or Feb. 15 for Spring admission to Aselia Urmanbetova.


Interested in learning more about GT Econ Club and/or ODE?

Contact our amazing student leaders and faculty advisors working with the Econ student organizations:

NamePositionAcademic Program
Aselia UrmanbetovaODE Faculty AdvisorSchool of Economics
Danny WoodburyEcon Club AdvisorSchool of Economics
Davis PalubeskiEcon Club AdvisorSchool of Economics
Alina LeeEcon Club PresidentB.S. in Industrial Engineering
Shreyash JhaEcon Club VPB.S. in Economics
Nayab MithwaniEcon Club VPB.S. in Economics
Elizabeth YoumansEcon Club VP of CommunicationsB.S. in Economics
Victoria OkonEcon Club SecretaryB.S. in Economics
Callahan PaceEcon Club VP of FinanceB.S. in Economics
Luke PeiEcon Club Engagement OfficerB.S. in Economics
Elizaveta GoncharODE Exec, Events ChairPh.D. in Economics
Ethan MastersODE Exec, Undergraduate LiaisonB.S. in Computer Science
David WilsonODE ExecPh.D. in Economics
Emtiaz HritanODE ExecPh.D. in Economics
Suneye HolmesODE ExecPh.D. in Economics
Bhairavi ChhibaODE ExecB.S. in Economics


Econ Club members attending Resume Night