Tony Harding

Assistant Professor

Member Of:
  • School of Public Policy
  • School of Economics
Email Address:


Anthony Harding is an environmental economist with research interests at the intersection of innovative technologies and climate policy. He uses economic theory and applied econometrics to analyze the extent of socioeconomic risks from climate change, how policy and technologies can moderate these risks, and what impacts, intended or otherwise, policies may have. Before returning to Georgia Tech, Harding was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the School of Economics and a B.S. in Mathematics and Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Research Areas:

  • Climate Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Energy Economics
Research Fields:
  • Energy Economics
  • Energy, Climate and Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Economics
Courses Taught:
  • ECON-2100: Economics and Policy
  • ECON-2106: Prin of Microeconomics
  • ECON-4440: Economics of Environment
  • ECON-6150: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • PUBP-6120: Cost Benefit Analysis for Policy
  • PUBP-6312: Economics-Environ Polcy



  • ECON-2100: Economics and Policy
  • ECON-2106: Prin of Microeconomics
  • ECON-4440: Economics of Environment
  • ECON-6150: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • PUBP-6120: Cost Benefit Analysis for Policy
  • PUBP-6312: Economics-Environ Polcy


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