Jancy Ling Liu

Ph.D. Student

Member Of:
  • School of Economics
Email Address: jancyll@gatech.edu


Jancy Ling Liu is a 5th-year Ph.D. candidate in the School of Economics at Georgia Tech. Her fields of interest include Energy and Environmental Economics, Applied Microeconomics, and Experimental Economics, with a particular emphasis on energy transition, migration, and climate policy. She is on the 2023-2024 job market and will be available for interviews at the ASSA 2023 conference. 

  • M.S. in Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
  • M.S. in Statistics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
  • B.S. in Behavioral Finance, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, 2015
Awards and
  • APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowship, 2023
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Student Travel Grant, 2022
  • Joseph K. Heyman Scholarship, Atlanta Economics Club, 2022
  • Outstanding Online Teaching Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021
  • Georgia Tech Graduate Leadership Fellow, 2021
  • Diversity Fellowship in Berkeley/Sloan Summer School in Environmental and Energy Economics, 2021
Research Fields:
  • Applied Microeconomics
  • Energy Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Public Economics
Courses Taught:
  • ECON-2100: Economics and Policy



  • ECON-2100: Economics and Policy